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Mead Public Library

Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, Feb.2nd, 2021


Board Meeting was called to order by President Lee at 5:34pm. She noted that the “Open Meetings Act” Bulletin is posted on the west wall.


Roll Call: Lee, present. Mayfield, present. Giorgakopoulos, present. Grasiani, present. Also in attendance was Library Board Director, Kylie Dorner.


There were no guests or public items to discuss.


No business items to discuss.


Director’s Report for January: Daily Record: 105 patrons. Virtual Storytime: 11 Households. 38 Craft Kits handed out. Coffee Hour: 6. Cocoa and Comics Program Attendance: 17. In-Library Circulation: 228. Overdrive Circulation: 67 materials. Member amount saved: $2,040.85. Revenue from fines: $7.30.


The furnace went out on 1/28/2021. Called Fud & Tracy’s from Wahoo and they came out within the hour. Invoiced $295.04 to replace the hot surface ignitor (which had to be replaced in 2018 also) and switched the thermostat to digital so the library will stay at a more consistent temperature. Fud and Tracy’s recommended budgeting for replacement and left a quote for $3550.00. Also received a quote from SECO Electric for LED thin line light fixture replacements of $159.00 per fixture. If approved, Dorner’s priority would be to update the 6 oldest/yellowing fixtures, all of which are located in the front room.


Board Member Reports: Discussed selling weeded and donated books not added to collection at the Friends’ Garage Sale to clear space and declutter basement storage. Board member Mayfield will ask potential new Trustee member, Kylee Hickman, to start attending meetings beginning next month and will submit her name for approval to the Village Board. Also discussed having a booth representing the Library this year at Mead Days.


Motion made by Grasiani to approve minutes, bills and financials and monthly reports for January 2021, seconded by Mayfield. Motion carried.


Motion to adjourn made by Grasiani, seconded by Mayfield. Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm. Next regularly scheduled meeting will be Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021, at Mead Public Library.


Respectfully submitted by Layla Giorgakopoulos, secretary.