Mead Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 2, 2024
- Meeting was called to order by Jenn Lee at 6:06pm. Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.
- Roll Call:
- Members Present: Kylee Hickman (2024), Amanda Schaal (2028), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026), Sara Else (2027)
- Members Absent: None
- Library Employees Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren
- Library Employees Absent: Lori Moseman, Roberta Kisling, Rachelle Gay
- Guests or Public Items to discuss: Melissa Konecky from The Friends of the Library attended to show support. She also shared The Friends intent to host the Holiday Decoration Sale again this year.
- Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports for July and August
- July 30th minutes reviewed.
- July and August Bills/Financial transactions reports were reviewed.
- Lee moved to approve July and August Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports. Second by Schaal. Motion carried. Unanimous approval.
- New Business/Director’s Report
- August stats were reviewed. All areas decreased slightly due to school starting back up. This is typical year over year.
- We purchased a new light for the flag pole. Shannon will install.
- Summer Reading Program wrapped up with 5 children and 6 Adults returning their tracking forms. Prize baskets were awarded to the winners. Discussion around ways to encourage kids/children next year included social media and text/email reminders.
- We received a $980 Grant for Library Improvement. This went to revamping the garden and reading area behind the library. New Library Commission Grants are released September 16. Laurie has asked the Board to help come up with ideas. A few mentioned by Laurie were Experience Kits (similar to Book In A Bag from last year) and The String Beans Band event.
- Library Board Continuing Education hours were due August 31st. Board members completed the 21hours required to remain Accredited. However, the hours are not showing as complete on the Nebraska Library Commission website. Laurie is working with the NLC to resolve.
- Laurie provided a list of responsibilities between Library Board Members and The Library Director provided by the NLC. This is a very helpful reminder of all we do!
- Upcoming September events to note:
- TWO Adult Book Clubs each month. Mead Adult Book Club resumes the second Wednesday of each month, starting September 11th at 6:30pm.
- NEW Program! Children’s Story Time each Wednesday afternoon 4pm-4:45pm. Best for ages 4-8, but all are welcome! We’ll read a few stories, do a small craft, and have a small snack to take home.
- Adult Cookie Exchange! Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm. No, not Christmas cookies yet. 😊Cookies are for anytime! Bring a dozen of your favorite cookies to exchange/share with a copy of the recipe. “Best Tasting Cookie” wins a prize! Ages 18 and up, please.
- Guest Melissa Konecky left the meeting at 6:45.
- Board Member Reports
- Member Else has been introduced to the Library Director in Ceresco through her day job. She intends to get to know her better and use her as a resource to improve and bring new ideas for engagement to Mead. One item Laurie will implement right away is a continuing survey/suggestion form available to patrons to gauge what they prefer or want to see in the library. This will be anything from Library layout, monthly activities, Library materials available, ways to engage younger patrons, etc.
- Scott Childers from the Nebraska Library Commission will be attending our October Library Board meeting to present Commission’s purpose/resources offered and answer any questions of the Library Board.
- End of Meeting Roll Call:
- Members Present- Kylee Hickman (2024), Amanda Schaal (2028), Cara Simon (2027), Jenn Lee (2026), Sara Else (2027)
- Members absent- None
- Library Employee Present: Director-Laurie VanAckeren
Lee adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm- Mead Public Library
Respectfully Submitted by
Cara Simon