Mead Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
A. Meeting was called to order by Mary Mayfield at 5:33pm. Open Meetings Act poster was pointed out on the west wall of the back room.
B. Roll Call:
a. Members Present-Mayfield, Hickman, Grasiani, Lee (Via FaceTime)
b. Member Absent-Giorgakopoulos
c. Also Present-Library Director-Jessy Colabello
C. No Guests of Public Items to discuss
D. Business Items
a. Board Members-Layla will be moving. Jenny Grasiani will ask a community member to serve. Mary Mayfield will serve as secretary.
b. Mead Days-A schedule of workers for our assigned booth was established.
c. Board Certification-hours need to be completed this summer.
d. Mayfield and Hickman will clean and organize closets this month.
e. Garden needs to be weeded- Mayfield will call our high school volunteers.
f. Flag and Rope need to be replaced- Jessy will order flag. We have a rope-Nick will replace.
E. Director’s Report
a. Summer Reading Program began June 1. Wage and program surplus will be used during this time.
b. AR levels and points will be added to book spines throughout the summer.
c. Adult NF will be weeded using the CREW method.
F. Board Member Reports-none at this time
G. Minutes, Bills, Financials, and Monthly Reports
a. Mayfield moved to approve.
b. Seconded by Hickman.
c. Lee-yes, Mayfield-yes, Hickman-yes, Grasiani-Yes. Motion carried.
H. Meeting adjourned at 5:56pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at 5:30 at Mead Public Library
Respectfully Submitted by
Mary Mayfield