Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610



August 18, 2015


A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held August 18, 2015 at the Village Office.  Chairman Guyle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, US Post Office and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes.  Advance notice was also provided to all members of the Board of Trustees.  All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public.  Roll call showed the following board members present:  Chairman Gary Guyle; Trustees Shawn Havelka, PJ Nicola and Rodney Wimer.  Absent was Trustee Richard Wielage.  Also present were Clerk June Moline, Utility/Maintenance Superintendent Nick Raver, Police Chief Jerry Carlson and Planning Commission Chairperson Jody Weible.  Guests were Jerry Johnson, Levi Durnal, Jim Halbmaier, Jason Felty, Dale Rawson, Kacee Weible and Gabriel Gonzales. 


Guyle noted the Posting of the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer to adopt the agenda.  Vote:  Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Chairman Guyle reported that Jerry Johnson had requested to meet with the board regarding the pending litigation on property located at 1020 Co Rd M, Mead.  The board would also adjourn to finalize the 10/1/15-9/30/16 budget in a Budget Workshop.



Mr. Johnson discussed the clean-up process at 1020 Co Rd M, Mead.  He asked that the board consider appointing one or two members of the Board of Trustees along with the Village Nuisance Enforcement Officer to form a team with himself and two additional, concerned gentlemen who are versed in antiques, to go onsite and review what needs to be removed from the premises in order to satisfy the nuisance and zoning violations prior to the August 31 deadline.


The board expressed their concerns regarding the impression left as to the appearance of Mead and neighboring homeowners, security, fire concerns and failure to meet requirements of the Planning Commission and Board of Trustees.


Planning Chairperson Weible indicated that the owner had initially been provided a list of four requirements to be met for his business and provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Trustees. The terms were 1.) make contact with the NE Department of Roads regarding use of the access road off Highway 92; 2.) provide a certified inspection of the septic system; 3.) present a plan for the outlay of the property, including required parking spaces; and 4.) Mr. Gonzales has been provided with legal documents to comply with the village code.  At this time, only item 1. has been met.  He was instructed by the NE Department of Roads that only family/friends are permitted to use the drive.   In regard to item 2., Mr. Gonzales did have the septic system inspected but it was not completed by a certified plumber.  This meant the inspection did not meet requirements of DEQ.   A zoning violation has been filed against Mr. Gonzales regarding item 3.  As to item 4., Mr. Gonzales has not complied with village code as provided by legal documents.


The public also expressed numerous concerns regarding the property.


The board stated that they were not interested in participating on a team to investigate the business.  Guyle told Mr. Johnson that the board will welcome any questions he may have and the board appreciated his bringing the concerns to them.


Motion by Havelka, second by Nicola to approve a request to place buried communications facilities on public right-of-way within corporate limits, 603. S. Cedar St. from Windstream.  Vote:  Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wimer, second by Nicola to enter a Budget Workshop at 7:12 p.m.  Vote:  Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes; motion carried 4-0.



Discussion was held on department budget requests. 


Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer to return to Regular Session at 7:30 p.m.  Vote:  Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Havelka, second by Guyle to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.  Vote:  Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent; motion carried 4-0.



Gary Guyle, Chairman                                                 

June Moline, Clerk