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Board of Trustees Special Meeting 30-JUL-18

Mead Nebraska > News > Board Minutes > Board of Trustees Special Meeting 30-JUL-18



July 30, 2018


A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held July 30, 2018 at the Village Office. Chairman Havelka called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, US Post Office and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes.  Advance notice was also provided to all members of the Board of Trustees.  All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public.  Roll call showed the following board members present: Chairman Shawn Havelka; Trustees Jason Felty, Gary Guyle, Richard Wielage and Rodney Wimer.  Also present were Clerk June Moline and Utility/Maintenance Superintendent Nick Raver.  Guests were Chuck Policky and Robert Hannan.


Moline noted the Posting of the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer, to adopt the amended agenda with moving item F. to item C. Vote:  Felty-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes; motion carried 5-0.



Chuck Policky inquired about his July 24 water/sewer bill showing he was billed for 16 units. He indicated that he only has a toilet at his shop.  He delivered several invoices from previous months which showed readings of 0 or 1 units of water usage.  Moline and Raver both questioned if he had a toilet running when he delivered his concern to the village office the previous week.  He said “no”.  Moline stated she had read the meter with the autogun and that the calculated usage was billed from that reading, the same as his previous readings had been calculated.  The board indicated they were willing to adjust his bill this time but that in the future if he is billed for more than what he thinks, he is expected to pay that bill without any dispute.  Mr. Policky indicated he understood.


Motion by Wimer, second by Wielage, to adjust the July 24 bill of Chuck Policky to indicate 1 unit of water usage. Vote:  Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes, Felty-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Discussion was held on the pilot testing for the water project that was recently completed by Ad-Edge. Findings have indicated that the results by Ad-Edge could not be attained per their contract.  Village engineer, Olsson’s Associates, and the USDA are requesting that the village seek a contract with the second lowest bidder, Tonka, to complete the project.  A contract will be discussed at the August 14 regular meeting of the board.


Discussion was held on a future meeting of the Common Facility Board which comprises two members of the village board and three members of the Mead School Board. Various shared programs will be the center of discussion.


The bidding process for property/liability insurance for the village was discussed. Motion by Felty, second by Guyle, to permit Prague Insurance to be the only agency submitting bids to Continental Western Insurance on the Village of Mead’s behalf.  Vote:  Havelka-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes, Felty-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer, to adjourn at 6:44 p.m. Vote:  Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes, Felty-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes; motion carried 5-0.

Shawn Havelka, Chairman                                         June Moline, Clerk