April 30, 2019
A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held April 30, 2019 at the Village Office. Chairman Guyle called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, US Post Office, and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes. Advance notice was also provided to all members of the Board of Trustees. All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public. Roll call showed the following board members present: Chairman Gary Guyle; Trustees Jason Felty and William Thorson. Absent were Trustees Richard Wielage and Rodney Wimer. Also present was Clerk June Moline. Guests were Maureen Freeman-Caddy and Craig Reinsch.
Guyle noted the Posting of the Open Meetings Law.
Trustee Wielage entered the meeting at 6:03 p.m.
Motion by Felty, second by Thorson, to adopt the agenda. Vote: Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-yes; motion carried 4-0.
Village Engineer Craig Reinsch reported on a recent telephone conference with representatives from AdEdge requesting approval to conduct a second pilot test for the water project. A letter dated April 24, 2019 was reviewed stating that same request which indicated a proposal to mitigate the underperformance of their initial piloting. The letter indicated they would make changes to their process design and system sizing to increase the overall run time and reduce backwash volume. They are willing to complete this second test without further costs to the village. Craig presented this proposal for the consideration and recommendation of the board.
Village Attorney Maureen Freeman-Caddy stated that following review of the contract with AdEdge the general terms indicated that once the pilot test was completed, the village engineer would be required to certify that the pilot test was accepted. Acceptance requires a showing in the pilot test that the equipment can meet the design conditions in their proposal. There are no provisions requiring them to be allowed a second pilot test. The Village Engineer did not accept the pilot test as it did not meet the criteria required to be met, but confirmed that the test was conducted. Cancellation of the contract is allowed under the contract, without cause, at any time prior to the delivery of the Goods by written notice. Since the pilot did not confirm the proposed design and since Goods were not delivered under the contract, since the system did not perform, cancellation is available for consideration by the Board.
Discussion followed as to how to proceed with the AdEdge request.
Motion by Thorson, second by Felty, to cancel the contract with AdEdge for water treatment equipment procurement services effective immediately and that they be invited to submit a pay request to Olsson for the $15,500.00 bid amount for the verification pilot testing. Vote: Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-yes; motion carried 4-0.
Motion by Felty, second by Wielage, to adjourn at 6:27 p.m. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 4-0.
Gary Guyle, Chairman June Moline, Clerk