May 14, 2019
A Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held May 14, 2019 at the Village Office. Chairman Guyle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, U.S. Post Office and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes. Advance notice was also provided to the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees. All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public. Answering roll call were Chairman Gary Guyle; Trustees William Thorson and Richard Wielage. Absent were Trustees Jason Felty and Rodney Wimer. Also present were Clerk June Moline and Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent Nick Raver. Guests were Steve Mayfield and Emily Humm.
The posting of the Open Meetings Law was noted.
Motion by Wielage, second by Thorson, to adopt the agenda. Vote: Felty-absent, Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent; motion carried 3-0.
The minutes of the April 9 Regular Meeting and April 9 Board of Adjustment Meeting and Hearing and April 30 Special Meeting were accepted.
Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to approve the Treasurer’s Report showing $728,631.51 total checking/savings balance ending April 30, 2019. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent, Guyle-yes; motion carried 3-0.
Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to approve Certificate of Payment No. 1 to AdEdge Water Technologies LLC for completion of a pilot test at a cost of $15,500.00. Vote: Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent; motion carried 3-0.
Motion by Guyle, second by Thorson, to approve the claims of $69,438.92 for payment. Vote: Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent, Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 3-0.
Claims being:
131556 | Matrix Trust Company | 414(h) Plan | $431.09 |
3780 | Frontier Cooperative Co | LP Tank Lease – Generator | $50.00 |
131557 | Menards – Elkhorn | Signs, Paint, Paint Brushes, Fly Bait | $85.71 |
4176 | Menards – Elkhorn | Repairs | $74.99 |
131558 | Woita Auto Body | Repairs – Pickup Deductible | $166.67 |
4177 | Woita Auto Body | Repairs – Pickup Deductible | $166.66 |
3781 | Woita Auto Body | Repairs – Pickup Deductible | $166.66 |
131559 | JEO Consulting Group Inc | Professional Fees – Oak Street Paving thru 4/5/19 | $3,140.00 |
16 | Olsson | Professional Fees – Water Project 3/10/19 – 4/6/19 | $1,492.63 |
131566 | Matrix Trust Company | 414(h) Plan | $431.08 |
42519 | Internal Revenue Service | SS/Med/FIT Apr 2019 | $2,198.26 |
131567 | Bomgaars | Grass Seed | $44.60 |
131568 | Inspro Insurance | Insurance – Mead Days | $209.00 |
4178 | Municipal Supply Inc of Omaha | Parts | $235.66 |
4179 | NE Public Health Environmental Lab | Water Tests | $50.00 |
3785 | Nicholas Raver | Cell Phone Apr 2019 | $40.00 |
131569 | Petty Cash | Postage, Supplies | $7.11 |
4180 | Petty Cash | Postage | $16.47 |
3786 | Petty Cash | Postage | $16.47 |
131570 | Black Hills Energy | Natural Gas | $47.99 |
4181 | Black Hills Energy | Natural Gas | $7.48 |
3787 | Black Hills Energy | Natural Gas | $7.48 |
4182 | Hawkins Inc | Water Product | $859.30 |
3788 | NE Dept. of Environmental Quality | Wastewater Operator’s License – Raver | $150.00 |
131571 | Constellation | Natural Gas | $38.18 |
4183 | Constellation | Natural Gas | $6.13 |
3789 | Constellation | Natural Gas | $6.13 |
42719 | Windstream | Telephone | $184.95 |
42819 | Windstream | Telephone | $175.27 |
42919 | Windstream | Telephone | $109.35 |
131572 | Ron Raver | Hauling Mulch | $50.00 |
131573 | 92West | Website Support | $89.00 |
131574 | Chase Card Services | Garage Sale Ad, Library Supplies | $65.30 |
4184 | One Call Concepts | Locate Fee | $12.67 |
4185 | Water Engineering Inc | Water Product | $591.14 |
131575 | Konecky Oil Co | Fuel | $20.00 |
4186 | Konecky Oil Co | Fuel | $3.88 |
3790 | Konecky Oil Co | Fuel, Simple Green | $19.19 |
131576 | Petty Cash – Library | Postage | $8.65 |
131577 | Verizon | Police Cell | $53.77 |
131578 | Inspro Insurance | Insurance – Mead Days | $409.00 |
131579 | Miller Property & Lawn Service | Building Inspections (5) | $100.00 |
17 | AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC | Pilot Test | $15,500.00 |
131580 | Frontier Cooperative Co | Fuel | $49.12 |
4187 | Frontier Cooperative Co | Fuel | $49.11 |
3791 | Frontier Cooperative Co | Fuel | $50.86 |
131581 | Mead Public Schools | Newsletter – Mar, Apr, May 2019 | $12.27 |
131582 | Omaha Public Power District | Electricity | $1,249.25 |
4188 | Omaha Public Power District | Electricity | $288.05 |
3792 | Omaha Public Power District | Electricity | $275.33 |
50719 | NE Dept of Revenue | Sales Tax Apr 2019 | $1,534.46 |
4189 | USA Blue Book | Rainstopper Inflow Shield | $155.56 |
4190 | Village of Mead Debt Service | Transfer from Water Fund | $10,000.00 |
131590 | Wells Fargo Bank | Ethanol Plant Tax Apr 2019 | $11,675.45 |
131594 | Matrix Trust Company | 414(h) Plan | $431.08 |
18 | Olsson | Professional Fees – Water Project 4/7/19 – 5/4/19 | $3,515.20 |
4191 | Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer | Attorney Fees – Water Project Ad Edge | $536.50 |
131595 | Lee Enterprises | Garage Sale Ad | $36.00 |
131596 | Raider-Nation Autoplex | Oil Change Mower | $8.33 |
4192 | Raider-Nation Autoplex | Oil Change Mower | $8.33 |
3795 | Raider-Nation Autoplex | Oil Change Mower | $8.33 |
131598 | Trade Well Pallet | Mulch – Median, Park | $210.00 |
131599 | Wahoo-Waverly-Ashland Newspapers | Publications, Garage Sale Ad | $330.06 |
Payroll Fund | ` | $11,477.71 |
The Monthly Police Report was reviewed. Discussion was held on the condition of several properties that need to be reviewed as possible nuisances, training, and requirement of calling Saunders County dispatch when the chief checks on and off duty.
Raver reported on a second fire siren. Grant dollars can be used but he felt we would not qualify due to high median income. An estimate of $7,500.00 for a used siren was reported as an alternative solution for a siren on the north side of Mead. Infiltration lids have been placed on the sewer manholes to prevent water seepage; concern of dumping of waste at the lagoon system; plan to turn on water at the restrooms at the park playground tomorrow; and “No Trespassing” signs have been mounted at several locations on village property. The window at the wellhouse that was recently vandalized has been replaced with plywood. Discussion was held on a recent water leak. Raver reported he is taking 10 days PTO in late May for surgery.
Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to provide “Notice to Proceed” to Tonka for the water project contingent on USDA concurrence. Vote: Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent, Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 3-0.
Emily Humm expressed a concern of the water standing at Hannan Subdivision and what could be done to right this situation. Board members stated that this issue has been addressed several times in the past. At one point the village hired a company to clean the ditch. A study was also financed by Frontier Coop as to whether their construction of grain bids was causing the water to back-up. It was found that several culverts are too small and raised higher than the dirt which approaches the culvert and that the ditches need to be maintained. She was reminded that Hannan Subdivision is not a part of the village as it is not annexed to the town nor is there current easements on the properties.
Ms Humm also requested that a water meter for another residence that is in her driveway be removed. Raver indicated it was there prior to the house being set and that the garage sits behind the meter.
The minutes of the April 22 Regular Meeting and Building Permits issued were accepted. Permits being: 19-03, Tyler Bukaske to erect a wooden fence; 19-04, Thomas and Diane Ellis to construct a garage; and 19-05, Dylan Tegtmeier to construct a garage.
Motion by Guyle, second by Wielage, to appoint Robert S. Morin to the Planning Commission. This appointment is to fill the vacancy of Jody Weible who submitted her resignation. The term expires May 2020. Vote: Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent; motion carried 3-0.
Motion by Guyle, second by Thorson, to approve third reading and adopt Ordinance No. 728, Snow Removal. The motion was seconded by Thorson. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent, Guyle-yes; motion carried 3-0.
Motion by Thorson, second by Guyle, to approve a Baling Agreement with Terry Miller for 2019 to bale the grass at the lagoon site. Vote: Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent, Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 3-0.
Motion by Guyle, second by Wielage, to approve a permit to G & L Café granting permission to close Vine Street from Fifth Street to Third Street, Fourth Street from Cedar Steet to Elm Street, and Fifth Street from Cedar Street to Elm Street for a Car Show on June 16. Vote: Felty-absent, Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent; motion carried 3-0.
Guyle introduced and motioned to waive three readings and adopt Resolution 19-10 permitting an extension until July 31, 2019 to Bill Thorson to remove the depot building and foundation and level the ground. Vote: Guyle-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent; motion carried 3-0. The original deadline cannot be met due to unforeseen weather conditions this spring.
WHEREAS, the Village of Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, is the owner of the following described fixture on real property, to wit:
Depot Building located at 110 E. 1st Street on Tract 3 of Mead Tracts in Village of Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska., and,
WHEREAS, the Village of Mead approved Resolution No. 19-04 on January 8, 2019 authorizing the sale of the structure, with the process by which to follow, by public bid, and,
WHEREAS, no remonstrance notices were filed the Village Clerk and no bids were submitted, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has the authority to dispose of the property by method it deems best, and
WHEREAS, William Thorson has offered to purchase the building and remove the building no later than May 31, 2019 for consideration of removal of the foundation and leveling the ground.
WHEREAS, the removal date of the building has been extended no later than July 31, 2019 for consideration of removal of the foundation and leveling of the ground.
Discussion was held on the May 6 meeting with representatives from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality regarding a future air quality permit for AltEn and results of the 2019 Community Survey were reviewed. There was a 42% return with the top concerns that the public would like considered by the board were water and sewer, drainage, business district, and community resources (offerings to the public).
Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-absent, Felty-absent, Guyle-yes; motion carried 3-0.
Gary Guyle, Chairman
June Moline, Clerk