Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610


December 12, 2023


A Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held December 12, 2023 at the Mead Village Office. Chairman Thorson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, U.S. Post Office, and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes. Advance notice was also provided to all members of the Board of Trustees. All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public.  Answering roll call were Chairman William Thorson; Board of Trustees Jason Lee, Daniel Simon, and Richard Wielage. Absent was Trustee Jason Felty. Also present was Clerk June Moline.


The posting of the Open Meetings Law was noted.


Motion by Wielage, second by Lee, to adopt the agenda. Vote:  Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.


The minutes of the November 14 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing and November 30 Special Meeting were accepted.



Chairman Thorson called for nominations for Chairman of the Board.


Wielage nominated Thorson and motioned that nominations cease, second by Simon. Vote: Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-abstain, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent; motion carried 3-0, with Thorson abstaining. Thorson elected Chairman of the Board.


Chairman called for nominations for Chairman Pro Tempore.


Simon nominated Felty and motioned that nominations cease, second by Thorson. Vote: Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes; motion carried 4-0. Felty elected Chairman Pro Tempore.


Motion by Wielage, second by Simon, to approve Public Bonds be placed on file for Chairman of the Board, Clerk/Treasurer, and the 414(h) Plan. Vote Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Simon, second by Lee, to obligate $6,086.81 for pump repairs at the lagoon to AWS Well Co. supported with APRA funds. Vote: Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wielage, second by Thorson, to approve the Treasurer’s Report showing $1,227,876.84 total checking/savings balance ending November 30. Vote: Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wielage, second by Simon, to approve the claims of $104,569.61 for payment. Vote:  Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 4-0. Claims being:


111723 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $477.10
133865 Bomgaars Office Supplies $15.00
5227 Bomgaars Supplies $215.80
4357 Bomgaars Supplies $7.49
5229 NE Public Health Environmental Lab Water Tests $503.00
133866 JEO Consulting Group Inc Engineering First/Pine St $3,000.00
133867 Petty Cash Postage, Supplies $10.69
5230 Petty Cash Postage, Supplies $4.56
4358 Petty Cash Postage, Supplies $4.56
133868 Old Republic Surety Group Bond 414(h) Plan $50.00
5231 Old Republic Surety Group Bond 414(h) Plan $25.00
4359 Old Republic Surety Group Bond 414(h) Plan $25.00
5232 Shannon Luetkenhaus Cell Phone Nov 2023 $70.00
5233 Wahoo Utilities Contracted Services Oct 2023 $284.18
5234 USA Blue Book Repairs WTP $179.02
112023 Kinetic Business Telephone $233.67
4360 Olsson GIS Mapping $105.00
5235 Olsson SCADA Services $1,349.20
133869 Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer Retainer 2024 $425.00
5236 Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer Retainer 2024 $212.50
4361 Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer Retainer 2024 $212.50
4362 NDEE – Fiscal Services Loan C317854 $26,802.08
112523 Windstream Telephone $280.25
112623 Windstream Telephone $152.94
112723 Windstream Telephone $152.94
133870 Lee Enterprises Publication Liquor License $38.91
4363 Lee Enterprises Publications $193.21
133871 92West Website Support $89.00
133872 Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer Legal Fees $75.84
5237 Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer Legal Fees $75.83
4364 Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer Legal Fees $75.83
5238 S & S Quality Heating & Air Heating WTP Shop $4,692.50
112923 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $442.60
113023 Internal Revenue Service SS/Med/FIT Nov 2023 $3,380.80
133880 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $100.98
5241 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $15.55
4366 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $15.55
133881 Edward W. Schroeder Audit F/Y 10/1/22 – 9/30/23 $3,975.00
5242 Edward W. Schroeder Audit F/Y 10/1/22 – 9/30/23 $1,502.50
4367 Edward W. Schroeder Audit F/Y 10/1/22 – 9/30/23 $1,502.50
5243 Hawkins Inc Water Product $44.12
133882 J. P. Cooke Co. Pet Licenses 2024 $83.70
133883 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $25.16
5244 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $25.17
4368 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $25.17
133884 Mead Lawn and Hay LLC Building Inspections (8) $200.00
5245 One Call Concepts Locate Fees $10.74
133885 SECO Electric Lamp Streetlight $53.49
5246 SECO Electric Wire Heater WTP Shop $299.10
133886 Verizon Police Cell $61.13
133887 Wahoo Newspaper Library Annual Subscription $98.59
120523 NE Dept of Revenue Sales Tax Nov 2023 $592.32
133888 AWS Well Co Repairs Lagoon Pump $6,086.81
4369 AWS Well Co Repairs Lagoon Pump $2,009.19
4370 Nygren Welding Repairs Lagoon Pipe $1,143.00
133889 Petty Cash – Library Postage $20.93
6247 Remboldt Ludtke Legal Services Bond Counsel $2,000.00
133890 Chase Ink Office Supplies, Conference, Library Materials, Water $748.51
6248 Chase Ink Office Supplies, Conference $163.38
4371 Chase Ink Office Supplies, Conference $163.38
120523 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $1,025.46
120623 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $975.48
120723 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $340.79
120823 Depository Trust Company Interest Sewer Bonds 2020 $3,356.25
133891 JEO Consulting Group Inc Street Superintendent 2023 $1,000.00
133892 Constellation Natural Gas $28.04
5249 Constellation Natural Gas $6.87
4372 Constellation Natural Gas $6.87
133893 Hamilton Equipment Co 2024 BC UV34 UTV – 2016 JD UV855D UTV $20,500.00
5250 USA Blue Book Tubes $285.15
5251 Winwater Pump $3,400.00
Payroll Fund $8,816.73


Motion by Wielage, second by Lee, to approve the following appointments for 2024: Clerk/Treasurer – June Moline; Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent – Shannon Luetkenhaus; Police Chief – Thomas Sackett; Water/Sewer Commissioner – City of Wahoo; Attorney – Bromm, Lindahl, Freeman-Caddy & Lausterer; Accountant – Edward Schroeder; Engineer – Olsson; Building Inspector – Terry Miller; Building and Zoning Administrator – Terry Miller; Nuisance Enforcement Officer – Thomas Sackett; Hearing Officer – Adam Miller. Vote: Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motin by Thorson, second by Simon, to approve the Bank of Mead as the Official Depository for the deposit of all funds for the Village in 2024. Vote: Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Simon, second by Wielage, to approve March McLennan Agency as the Insurance Carrier for 2024, Retirement Plan Consultants as the 401k Administrator for 2024, and the Wahoo Newspaper as the Official Newspaper for 2024. Vote: Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to designate the method of posting of meetings 2024 in three public places as the Village of Mead, Bank of Mead, and Mead Post Office. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to designate the manner in which the Planning Commission and Library Board are chosen as by appointment. Vote: Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Thorson second by Lee, to appoint Simon and Wielage to the Common Facility Board for 2024. Vote: Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Thorson, second by Simon, to appoint Chairman Thorson, Police Chief Sackett, and Andrew Eckart to the Municipal Board of Health for 2024. Vote: Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Wielage, second by Lee, to appoint Lee, Felty, Thorson, Wielage, and Planning Commission Chairman Levi Durnal to the Board of Adjustment, with Simon serving as the alternate for 2024. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Simon, second by Lee, to appoint Julie A. Ogden, License No. S-1320, Engineer License No. E-9395, Class A, as a contracted consultant as Village Street Engineer beginning January 1, 2024. Vote: Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Thorson introduced and motioned to adopt Resolution 23-13, Year-end Certification of Village Street Superintendent 2023. Wielage seconded the motion. Vote: Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.







Whereas; State of Nebraska Statutes, section 39-2302, and 39-2511 through 39-2515 details the requirements that must be met in order for a municipality to qualify for an annual Incentive Payment; and


Whereas: The State of Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) requires that each incorporated municipality must annually certify (by December 31st of each year) the appointment(s) of the City Street Superintendent(s) to the NDOT using the Year-End Certification of City Street Superintendent form.


Motion by Simon, second by Lee, to authorize the signing of the Year-end Certification of City Street Superintendent for determining incentive payment in Calendar Year 2023. Vote: Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Lee, second by Wielage, to approve Master Work Order #7 with Olsson for SCADA On-Call Services for 2024. Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Thorson introduced and motioned to waive three readings of Ordinance No. 821, Minimum wage increase to $12.00 per hour. The motion was seconded by Lee. Vote: Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Simon, second by Thorson, to adopt Ordinance No. 821, Minimum wage increase to $12.00 per hour to the Library Aide and Dumpmaster. Vote: Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.






Discussion was held on letters received from OPPD regarding an increase in electricity rates for 2024; notice of radio project from Saunders County Emergency Manager; and attorney’s opinions on fencing requirement surrounding swimming pools and application for a 501(c)(3) organization should be submitted by a local organization. Possible projects that may be covered with the additional monies remaining in the USDA water grant were purchase of a security camera and/or gravel / sand at the Water Treatment Plant. Names of homeowners who have not submitted permanent and temporary easements for the First Street and Pine Street paving project were reviewed.



Thorson updated the board that the stolen vehicle case has been resolved and removal of a pick-up that is illegally parked.



Thorson reported Christmas decorations have been displayed, arrival of the UTV, and a water issue.



The minutes of the September 25 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing were accepted.




Moline reported a delinquent water / sewer account to be turned off and upcoming Appreciaton Dinner.


Motion by Wielage, second by Simon, to adjourn at 7:01 pm. Vote: Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes; motion carried 4-0.


William Thorson, Chairman

June Moline, Clerk