Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610


April 12, 2022


A Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held April 12, 2022 at the Mead Community Building.  Chairman William Thorson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, U.S. Post Office, and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes.  Advance notice was also provided to all members of the Board of Trustees.  All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public.  Answering roll call were Chairman William Thorson; Board of Trustees Jason Lee, Daniel Simon, and Richard Wielage.  Absent was Trustee Jason Felty.  Also present were Clerk June Moline and Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent Shannon Luetkenhaus.  Guests were Andy Jackson and Levi Durnal.


The posting of the Open Meetings Law was noted.


Motion by Wielage, second by Simon, to adopt the agenda.  Vote:  Felty-absent, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 4-0.


The minutes of the March 8 Regular Meeting were accepted.


Motion by Thorson, second by Lee, to approve the Treasurer’s Report showing $1,126,972.22 total checking/savings balance ending March 31, 2022.  Vote: Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent; motion carried 4-0.


Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to approve the claims of $150,419.89 for payment.  Vote:  Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-absent, Lee-yes; motion carried 4-0.  Claims being:


132997 Wahoo Newspaper Publications $143.20
4834 Wahoo Utilities Contracted Services Feb 2022 $473.99
31122 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $264.63
687 Kristopher Norris Refund Utilities Deposit $150.00
133008 92West Website Support $89.00
4835 Hawkins Inc Water Product $690.91
133009 Laurie VanAckeren Mileage – Yutan, Dollar General / Omaha, NFM $36.86
133010 MarshMcLennan Agency Insurance – Police Vehicle $475.00
133011 Midwest Floor Covering Install Flooring Library $1,681.00
4085 Shannon Luetkenhaus Cell Phone Mar 2022 $70.00
133012 Constellation Natural Gas $156.75
4836 Constellation Natural Gas $19.40
4086 Constellation Natural Gas $19.40
31722 USDA Loan Water Project 2017 $84,827.00
133013 Bomgaars Repairs, Equipment $85.55
4837 Bomgaars Repairs, Equipment $102.23
4087 Bomgaars Repairs, Equipment $69.65
32122 Kinetic Business Telephone $202.89
4838 Hawkins Inc Water Product $381.35
4839 NE Puiblic Health Env Lab Water Tests $207.00
133014 Raider-Nation Autoplex Running Boards Pick-up $185.64
4840 Raider-Nation Autoplex Running Boards Pick-up $185.64
4088 Raider-Nation Autoplex Running Boards Pick-up $185.64
133015 MarshMcLennan Agency Insurance – Tractor $23.66
4841 MarshMcLennan Agency Insurance – Tractor $23.67
4089 MarshMcLennan Agency Insurance – Tractor $23.67
133016 Petty Cash Police Vehicle Inspection, License Fee, Stamps $26.18
4842 Petty Cash Postage $6.19
4090 Petty Cash Postage $6.19
4100 All Star Plumbing Hydro-Jet Sewer Line First and Vine Sts. $450.00
133017 Shannon Hyunnycutt/Spark Joy Library Webinar $83.33
133018 Southeast Library System Library Training $12.50
133019 Village of Mead Sewer Fund Transfer ARPA Funds – Electric Pump $23,882.84
4092 Village of Mead General Fund Transfer P/R Feb 1 – Mar 11 $10,000.62
32022 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $264.63
32122 Internal Revenue Service SS/Med/FIT Mar 2022 $2,251.52
32222 Nebraska Department of Revenue SIT Qtr 1 2022 $938.08
32622 Windstream Telephone $244.16
32722 Windstream Telephone $118.46
32822 Windstream Telephone $118.46
133024 Eakes Office Solutions Office Supplies – Comp Plan $120.72
4843 Eakes Office Solutions Office Supplies Comp Plan $60.35
4095 Eakes Office Solutions Office Supplies Comp Plan $60.35
133025 Mead Signs Off-road Decals 2022 $80.00
133026 Eakes Office Solutions Punch, Gloves $134.58
133023 Saunders County Register of Deeds Register Feldhaus Small Lot Split $10.00
133027 Chase Ink Intuit, Library Supplies, Technology $490.94
4844 Chase Ink Intuit $82.31
4096 Chase Ink Intuit $82.31
133028 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $105.64
4845 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $16.56
4097 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $16.56
4846 One Call Concepts Locate Fees $8.76
133029 Verizon Police Cell / Phone $55.00
4847 Hawkins Inc Water Supplies $171.74
133030 Petty Cash – Library Library Postage, Office Supplies $20.20
133031 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $85.09
4848 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $85.09
4101 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $85.09
133032 Wahoo Newspaper Publications $119.70
40622 Wex Bank Fuel Police Vehicle $142.56
40722 NE Dept of Revenue Sales Tax Mar 2022 $668.88
133033 Eakes Office Solutions Office Supplies $9.05
4849 Eakes Office Solutions Office Supplies $9.05
4102 Eakes Office Solutions Office Supplies $9.05
133034 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $988.49
4850 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $1,262.90
4103 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $309.36
40822 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $264.63
133042 Wells Fargo Bank Ethanol Plant Tax Mar 2022 $1,509.20
133043 Menards – Elkhorn Paint $13.96
4851 Menards – Elkhorn Custodial Supplies $25.96
133044 Post Office Stamps (3) $174.00
4852 Post Office Stamps (3) $174.00
4106 Post Office Stamps (3) $174.00
Payroll Fund $13,616.92


Trustee Jason Felty entered the meeting at 6:02 p.m.



Motion by Lee, second by Wielage, to approve second reading of Ordinance No. 784 Waste Connections, Ordinance No. 785 Roadrunner Transportation, and Ordinance No. 786 S-2 Refuse and Recycling for Non-exclusive Franchise Agreements for garbage pick-up.  Vote:  Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 5-0.



Simon introduced and motioned to adopt Resolution 22-01, Sale of Surplus Equipment. The motion was seconded by Thorson.  Vote:  Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Lee introduced and motioned to adopt Resolution 22-03, Obligating American Rescue Plan Funds from the U.S. Department of the Treasury for the purpose of sanitary sewer improvements and more specifically, for the purchase of a JWC Muffin Monster Renew Pump for the wastewater plant in the amount of $23,882.84 from Electric Pump.  Wielage seconded the motion.  Vote:  Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Motion by Felty, second by Lee, to approve a Baling Alfalfa Agreement with Miller Property and Lawn Service for 2022.  Vote:  Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Following discussion, motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to table further discussion and action on a proposal from Johnson Service Company to clean and video sewer pipes from 2022 through 2027.  Vote:  Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Motion by Simon, second by Lee, to seek bids for the sale of the 2000 Ford Crown Victoria vehicle by posting notice.  Vote:  Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Motion by Simon, second by Wielage, to approve Contract for Services with Marvin Planning Consultants to update the Comprehensive Plan.  Vote:  Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Motion by Wielage, second by Lee, to appoint the following to the Steering Committee to update the Comprehensive Plan.  Appointment being:  William Thorson, Jason Felty, Levi Durnal, James P. Hannan, Scott Selko, P.J. Quinn, Eric Johnson, Jessica Miller, and June Moline.  Vote:  Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.


The project to take bids to frame the opening in the shed for 14’ insulated overhead garage door with openers to match the existing doors, insulate the shed with closed cell foam insulation, and wire for the opener, six outlets, and six shop lights were approved for use with USDA grant dollars.


Motion by Felty, second by Thorson, to table action on approving Master Agreement Work Order #4 with Olsson for Water and Sewer Studies, including GIS mapping of water and sewer studies until the May 10 meeting when Angel Lowery can be present to discuss the plan.  Vote:  Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.


The board agreed with the Planning Commission that since the village will be updating the Comprehensive Plan there is no need to make amendments at this time.


Discussion was held on a recent request to pave E. First Street from Spruce Street to Co Rd 10.  Clerk is to forward letters to property owners that would have an interest in this project.



An Off-road Application was provided upon request for a handicap scooter.  The board agreed that no permit would be required.



Luetkenhaus presented a list of duties completed:  preparing park for ball season, opening and cleaning park restrooms, sweeping streets, locating requests, maintain gravel roads, and performing daily routine at the water plant.  Discussion was held on replacement of the batteries on the fire siren.  Lee stated that since it was a civil defense siren, the village, and not the Fire Department, should be responsible.  An agreement was reached on hours the park restrooms would be open.  Luetkenhaus was given approval to purchase a mulching kit for the lawnmower at a cost of $391.00.



The minutes of the February 28 Regular Meeting and Public Hearings (2) and March 28 Regular Meeting; permits issued to David Scribner 22-02 to remove a house, sunporch, and garage from 1450 Girmus Drive and 22-03 to place a house, sunporch, and garage on foundations at 1449 Girmus Drive; and lot replat to Lee and Bobbie Feldhaus at 114 S. Spruce St. were accepted.


Motion by Simon, second by Wielage, to void Building Permit 21-23, Jordan Schliffke to construct wooden steps.  Vote:  Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes; motion carried 5-0.



The minutes of the April 5 Library Board Meeting were accepted.



Moline reported a request form NDEE for security at an April 27 meeting at Mead Public School regarding AltEn license; reported completion of eight hours of training for the Treasurer’s department; working on the Safety Manual; and responded to Item D.b. in the April 5 Library Board Minutes reading “Laurie has not yet received a response to her email regarding request to change the disposal of items.  She will send another email.”  Moline presented an email with her response to the Library Board, Library Director, Library Aide, and Board of Trustees Chairman Thorson on March 17 at 9:27 pm, after Laurie sent the initial request on March 17 at 4:15 pm.


Motion by Lee, second by Simon, to adjourn at 6:58 p.m.  Vote:  Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes; motion carried 5-0


William Thorson, Chairman

June Moline, Clerk