Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610

February 10, 2015

A Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held February 10, 2015 at the Village Office.  Chairman Guyle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, U.S. Post Office and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes.  Advance notice was also provided to the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees.  All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public.  Answering roll call were Chairman Gary Guyle; Trustees Shawn Havelka, PJ Nicola and Rod Wimer.  Absent was Trustee Richard Wielage. Also present were Clerk June Moline and Police Chief Jerry Carlson.  Guests present were Ed Schroeder, Denise Patocka and Viki Miller.

The posting of the Open Meetings Law was noted.

Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer to adopt the agenda with the deletion of Items D. and E.  Vote:  Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes; motion carried 4-0.

The minutes of the January 13 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing and January 20 Special Meeting stood approved as presented.

Motion by Wimer, second by Havelka to approve the Treasurer’s Report showing $647,115.44 total checking/savings balance ending January 31, 2015.  Vote: Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer to approve the claims of $47,153.54 for payment.  Vote:  Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes; motion carried 4-0, with Wimer abstaining on Check #3214. Claims being:
129349 Post Office Stamps $49.00
3206 Post Office Stamps $49.00
2782 Post Office Stamps $49.00
129351 Bayscan Technologies Library Scanner $149.00
129350 Bank of Mead Appreciation – Post Christmas Party $375.00
129352 Amazon Library Materials $155.70
129353 Ms Patricia McDaniel Library Materials $23.00
129354 NE Municipal Clerk Institute – UNO Clerk Academy 2015 $64.34
3207 NE Municipal Clerk Institute – UNO Clerk Academy – 2015 $64.33
2783 NE Municipal Clerk Institute – UNO Clerk Academy – 2015 $64.33
129355 OfficeNet Office / Custodial Supplies $81.64
3208 OfficeNet Custodial Supplies $65.07
2784 OfficeNet Office Supplies $65.07
3209 Water Engineering Inc Water Product $315.52
129365 Nebraska Library Commission Overdrive Annual Fee 14-15 $500.00
129366 S & W Fence Inc Fence at Park $5,950.00
129367 Upstart Library Banner $17.45
129368 Wahoo Newspaper Library Subscription $23.25
129369 Petty Cash Postage, Supplies, Meeting Expense $29.63
3212 Petty Cash Postage, Meeting Expense $15.91
2786 Petty Cash Postage, Meeting Expense $19.20
3213 Bomgaars Heater, Gloves, Tubing $39.98
129373 Menards – Elkhorn Street Patch $27.96
129372 MG Trust Co 414(h) Plan $334.01
12315 Internal Revenue Service SS/Med/FIT Jan 2015 $2,061.86
3214 AWS Well Pump – Wellhouse $438.37
129374 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $79.56
3215 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $13.04
2787 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $13.04
3216 Mead Public Schools Newsletter – Feb 2015 $6.76
129375 Midwest Radar & Equipment Recertify Radar $40.00
3217 NE Public Health Env Lab Water Tests $75.00
2788 Terry Miller Reimburse Alfalfa Sales from Mueller $440.00
129376 Chase Bank Office Supplies $147.68
3218 Chase Bank Office Supplies $73.84
2789 Chase Bank Office Supplies $73.84
129377 Inspr Ins Insurance – Tractor $28.34
3219 Inspro Ins Insurance – Tractor $28.33
2790 Inspro Ins Insurance – Tractor $28.33
3220 Lowe’s Repairs $112.62
129378 Mead Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Hunt 2015 $100.00
129379 OfficeNet Library Supplies $36.19
129380 Recycling Enterprises of NE Recycling Rolloffs (2) $250.00
3221 Sargent Drilling Test Well / Pump #92-1 $225.00
20215 Wex Bank Fuel – Police Cruiser $20.21
10315 Windstream Telephone $200.83
10415 Windstream Telelphone $106.70
10515 Windstream Telephone $106.70
20415 NE Dept of Revenue Sales Tax  Jan 2015 $814.87
129381 Petty Cash – Library Supplies, Program Supplies $16.49
129382 Konecky Oil Fuel $31.99
3222 Konecky Oil Fuel $31.99
2791 Konecky Oil Fuel $31.99
129383 Wahoo Newspaper Publications $93.23
129384 MG Trust Co 414(h) Plan $129.84
3223 One Call Concepts Locate Fee $7.40
129387 OPPD Electricity $1,285.88
3224 OPPD Electricity $389.90
2792 OPPD Electricity $319.81
129388 Titan Machinery Tractor Shredder and Blade $23,500.00
129391 MG Trust Co 414(h) Plan $204.17
129392 Frontier Coop Fuel $49.71
3225 Frontier Coop Fuel $62.72
2795 Frontier Coop Fuel $218.70
129393 Post Office Postage – Replat Morrissey $48.00
129394 Verizon Police Cell $66.37

Reported were testing fees of $3,827.00 that will be required for a test well, annual well inspection contract with Sargent Drilling and test result from Sargent Drilling for inspection and required repairs of Well 92-1.  A complaint regarding snow removal was read.  The board and Police Chief felt the snow removal was efficient and timely.  A list of water meters requiring maintenance was reviewed.  Raver is directed to have all meters in working condition by June 1 and is to remove all “snow emergency route” snow signs.  After June 1, Raver and Moline are to conduct inspection of all water meters.

POLICE REPORT:  Jerry Carlson
The Monthly Police Report was presented.  Property nuisances were discussed.  Complaints were addressed regarding a business and dog concern.

The minutes of the January 26 Regular Meeting were reviewed.

CLERK REPORT:  June Moline
Moline reported that Victoria Morken plans to remain as Summer Park Custodian in 2015. 
A bid for three picnic tables from Crouch Recreation for $2,268.00 was discussed and approved.  It was noted that the frames for the two picnic tables that were ordered last summer need to be installed on the picnic tables. Support for Clerk to attend the 2016 IIMC Conference in Omaha was approved along with an application for a scholarship for attendance.

Accountant Schroeder advised the board on the best scenario for settlement to Mr. Ecklund for the land purchased for the wastewater lagoon site.

LIBRARY REPORT:  Denise Patocka, Library Board Chairperson
The minutes of the January 21 Board Meeting were reviewed.  Patocka reported the resignation of Library Director Black, effective February 19, and plans to hire her replacement with a student in the library studies program.  Also requested was the increase of hours of operation for the library from 20 to 25 hours per week.
Motion by Wimer, second by Havelka to approve a contract with Sargent Drilling for the annual inspection of Well 92-1 for $225.00.  Vote:  Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent; motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wimer, second by Havelka to pursue a five-year loan with the Bank of Mead for $100, 000.00 for payment to Burneil Ecklund for land purchased for the wastewater lagoons.  Vote:  Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes; motion carried 4-0.

Havelka introduced and motioned, second by Nicola to adopt Resolution 15-04, Special Designated Liquor License to Mead Volunteer Fire Department to host an Alumni Basketball Get-together on March 20 and 21 at the Mead Community Building.  Vote:  Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 4-0.

WHEREAS, the purchase of a Special Designated Liquor License must be obtained from the Nebraska Liquor Commission; and
WHEREAS,   the applicant, Mead Volunteer Fire Department, submitted a request to submit an application to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission for a Special Designated Liquor License for an Alumni Get-together on March 20 and 21, 2015 at the Mead Community Building.

Wimer introduced and motioned, second by Havelka to adopt Resolution 15-06, Loan with the Bank of Mead to purchase a v-plow, tractor and tractor shredder and blade for $40,951.00.  Vote:  Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes; motion carried 4-0.

WHEREAS, the Village of Mead Board of Trustees, Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, authorizes that a loan be taken with the Bank of Mead to purchase a Flare Top Trip Edge V-Plow, John Deere 4630 Tractor, Landpride 15’ Shredder and Rhino 12’ 2500 Blade.
WHEREAS, a loan shall be drawn with the Bank of Mead for the purchase of a Flare Top Trip Edge V-Plow, John Deere 4630 Tractor, Landpride 15’ Shredder and Rhino 12’ 2500 Blade;
WHEREAS, payment has been made for the purchase of the Flare Top Trip Edge V-Plow from Midwest Service and Sales Co. in the amount of $5,451.00, John Deere Tractor through auction from Welton Auction at a cost of $13,500.00, and the Landpride 15’ Shredder at a cost of $16,000.00 and Rhino 12’ 2500 Blade at a cost of $7,500.00 from Titan Machinery, for a total cost of $40,951.00;
WHEREAS, a loan with the Bank of Mead shall be drawn for purchases paid for a total of $40,951.00;
WHEREAS, the following loan repayment schedule to the Bank of Mead by the Village of Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, shall be established:
  $13,650.34 principal plus interest, due September 1, 2015
  $13,650.33 principal plus interest, due September 1, 2016
  $13,650.33 principal plus interest, due September 1, 2017
WHEREAS, a rate of 2.5% interest rate has been established with a maturity due date of the loan being September 1, 2017.

Havelka introduced and motioned, second by Wimer to approve first reading of Ordinance No. 657 to amend Chapter 4, Article 3; Nuisances.  Vote:  Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent; motion carried 4-0.

Special Designated Liquor License guidelines and consideration to amend the Water/Sewer Installment Plan were discussed.  The village will conduct a Community Survey through SENDD seeking CDBG funding for future projects.  A resident concern of a neighbor’s tree branch overhanging onto their property was addressed.  The resident will be directed to contact OPPD to request trimming of the tree.

Motion by Havelka, second by Nicola to enter executive session at 7:32 p.m. for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual – annual review of the Clerk / Treasurer.  Vote:  Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes; motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wimer, second by Havelka to return to regular session at 7:35 p.m.  Vote:  Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes; motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Wimer, second by Havelka to award 3% wage increase to Clerk / Treasurer, effective anniversary date of February 3.  Vote:  Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes, Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Havelka, second by Wimer to adjourn at 7:36 p.m.  Vote:  Wielage-absent, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Nicola-yes; motion carried 4-0.

Gary Guyle, Chairman
June Moline, Clerk