Small Town Living
Village Of Mead Office
(402) 624-2495
Non-Emergency Fire & Rescue
(402) 624-3610


March 9, 2021

A Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held March 9, 2021 at the Mead Community Building.  Chairman Thorson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Notice of the meeting was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, U.S. Post Office, and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes.  Advance notice was also provided to the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees.  All proceedings were held while the convened meeting was open to the public.  Answering roll call were Chairman William Thorson, Trustees Jason Felty, Jason Lee, Dan Simon, and Richard Wielage.  Also present were Clerk June Moline and Utilities/Maintenance Superintendent Nick Raver.  Guests were Greg LaVigne, Cole Bockelmann, and Barton Barcel.

Chairman Thorson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

The posting of the Open Meetings Law was noted.

Motion by Wielage, second by Lee, to adopt the agenda.  Vote:  Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.

The minutes of the February 9 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing and February 9 Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting and Public Hearing were accepted.

Motion by Lee, second by Simon, to approve the Treasurer’s Report showing $733,269.23 total checking/savings balance ending February 28, 2021.  Vote:  Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes; motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Thorson, second by Simon, to approve Pay Certificate #8 to Neuvirth Construction in the amount of $84,930.00 for building construction and miscellaneous site features.  Vote:  Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes; motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Wielage, second by Lee, to approve the claims of $145,841.83 for payment.  Vote: Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 5-0.  Claims being:

132463+D40C3A3:D42 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $457.28
132464 92West Website Support $89.00
132465 Fud & Tracy’s Repairs – Furnace Library $295.04
132466 JEO Consulting Group Inc Services through 1/29/21 N. Oak St. $1,579.00
3875 Nicholas Raver Cell Phone Feb 2021 $70.00
74 Olsson Services 1/3/21 – 2/6/21 Water Project $20,308.79
132467 The Bookworm Library Materials $194.94
75 Village of Mead Water Fund USDA – Reimburse Invoices – Water Project $18,140.77
132468 Bomgaars Ice Melt $4.33
4579 Bomgaars Pump $99.99
4580 NE Public Health Env Lab Water Tests $15.00
132469 Petty Cash Postage, Office Supplies $27.79
4581 Petty Cash Postage $22.73
3876 Petty Cash Postage $21.33
132470 Roll Door Repairs – Door @ Quonset $21.66
4582 Roll Door Repairs – Door @ Quonset $21.67
3877 Roll Door Repairs Door @ Quonset $21.67
132471 Amazon Library Technology, Supplies, Materials $279.63
132474 Matrix Trust Company 414(h) Plan $457.28
22621 Internal Revenue Service SS/Med/FIT Feb 2021 $2,014.12
22721 Windstream Telephone $245.58
22821 Windstream Telephone $118.02
30121 Windstream Telephone $118.02
123475 Petty Cash – Library Library Postage, Supplies $27.88
662 Matthew Bratsburg Refund Utility Deposit $150.00
4583 AWS Well Co Repairs – S Oak Street $2,500.00
132476 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $120.42
4584 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $19.83
3881 Black Hills Energy Natural Gas $19.83
132477 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $195.65
4585 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $325.64
3882 Konecky Oil Co Fuel $195.64
4586 One Call Concepts Locate Fees $4.99
132478 Mead Public Schools Newsletter – Mar 2021 $3.99
30221 NE Dept of Revenue Sales Tax Feb 2021 $1,444.59
76 Neuvirth Construction Inc Building Construction, Misc Site Features $84,930.00
132479 Olsson Professional Services – Zoning Map $520.00
4587 Olsson Zoning Map, Water Needs Survey $626.00
3883 Olsson Professional Fees – Zoning Map $520.00
132480 Verizon Police Cell / Phone $53.46
132481 Wahoo Auto Parts Repairs Snowplow $11.57
132482 Constellation Natural Gas $112.24
4588 Constellation Natural Gas $21.02
3884 Constellation Natural Gas $21.02
132483 Wahoo Newspaper Publications $132.15
132484 Mead Days Committee Donation Mead Days 2021 $500.00
132485 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $922.63
4589 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $1,064.97
3885 Omaha Public Power District Electricity $269.78
Payroll Fund $6,504.89


Greg LaVigne expressed concern of future rezoning on a property north of his, which is located within Girmus Subdivision.  No action has been taken by the property owner at this time.  His concern is the current zoning of the property is Light Industrial and may be rezoned to Suburban Residential in the future.  He stated initially all of the properties were zoned as Light Industrial and was a reason he elected to relocate his business to the area.


Barton Barcel with Midland Resources, queried the board as to the process to rezone ten acres south of Mead to construct a locker plant.  Raver stated he should check the water at the site before seeking approval to construct a well and septic.  He was instructed to start by submitting a proposed drawing and description of the planned project.



Motion by Felty, second by Lee, to approve second reading, waive third reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 760, Annual Franchise Agreement with Waste Connections to provide trash service, Ordinance No. 761, Annual Franchise Agreement with Roadrunner Transportation to provide trash service, and Ordinance No. 762, Annual Franchise Agreement with S-2 Refuse and Recycling to provide trash service.  Vote:  Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Discussion was held on police coverage during Police Chief Carlson’s absence.  Cole Bockelmann, City Administrator for the City of Yutan, presented a proposed Interlocal Agreement for a six-month term.  Thorson has discussed the position with a potential candidate.  A special meeting will be held to reach a final decision on which way the board wishes to go.

Thorson introduced and motioned to approve first reading of Ordinance No. 763, Water Rates.  Felty seconded the motion.  Vote:  Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.

Lee introduced and motioned to adopt, second by Simon, Resolution 21-02, Interlocal Agreement for a Mutual Finance Organization.  Vote:  Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes; motion carried 5-0.


            WHEREAS, certain municipalities and fire protection districts located in Saunders County, Nebraska desire to enter into an Interlocal cooperation agreement for the creation of a Mutual Finance Organization pursuant to Legislative Bill 1120, 1998;

            WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for a Mutual Finance Organization would be in the best interests of all participating members; and

            WHEREAS, the members desire to enter into a written Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for a Mutual Finance Organization.

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Chairperson and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, Nebraska.

Section 1.  The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, Nebraska is merged for fire and rescue protection services with the Mead Rural Fire Protection Dist. #8 and their subdivision boundaries lie in shall not levy any property tax for the purpose of jointly funding the operations of all members of the Mutual Finance Organization and shall not have a board member;

            Section 2.  The Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for a Mutual Finance Organization shall not establish a separate legal entity, but rather shall be a joint and cooperative undertaking between the members and that a joint board shall be responsible for administering this joint and cooperative undertaking.

A concern was expressed of trailers being removed and replaced within Andy’s Trailer Court.  Following discussion, the Conditional Permitted Use will be reviewed at a future meeting.   Declaration No. 1-2021 approved by the Saunders County Board of Supervisors was reviewed.  The declaration is in regard to the matter of declaring a disaster or emergency in response to the risk of environmental contamination by AltEn.  The position of hiring a dumpmaster and a part-time maintenance employee for the summer was discussed.

Motion by Thorson, second by Wielage, to post notice for a summer maintenance employee at 20 hours per week, $15.00 hour, with minimum age being 18 years.  Vote:  Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.



Motion by Simon, second by Thorson, to grant an extension until July 1, 2021 on Resolution 20-10, Nuisance Abatement at 105 E. Fifth Street.  The current deadline was April 1, 2021.  Vote:  Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes; motion carried 5-0.


Raver reported recent inspection of the dump by NDEE.  He is seeking a permit to return the responsibility of the dump to the village from the Fire Department.  He stated the camera recently purchased to observe the dump does not work due to the lack of internet service.  Water tests and environmental tests were recently completed by NDEE in connection to concerns at AltEn.  Repairs of several pieces of equipment, repair of a broken water main at 6th and Oak Streets, repair of generator at treatment plant, completed repairs on the tractor, flushing of a hydrant at 404 S. Cedar Street required pumping by Subbert Well Co., and request from a homeowner for the  Fire Department to burn the house at 311 S. Cedar Street was noted.


The minutes of the February 8 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing and Building Permit 21-01, Mead Public Schools, 114 N. Vine Street, to construct a three-sided fence to enclose the shot-put area were accepted.

Motion by Felty, second by Wielage, to void Building Permits 20-02, Parry and Lisa Siebenaler, 105 N. Spruce Street, to construct a privacy fence; 20-17, Steve and Mary Mayfield, 114 E. Fifth Street, to install a chain-link fence; and 20-20, Yong An, 1054 Sunburst Lane, to construct a 6’ screened fence, due to not meeting construction guidelines per municipal code.  Vote:  Simon-yes, Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes; motion carried 5-0.


The minutes of the February 2 and March 2 Library Board Meetings were accepted.

Motion by Felty, second by Lee, to appoint Kylee Hickman to the Library Board to replace Viki Miller.  Vote:  Thorson-yes, Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes; motion carried 5-0.


CLERK REPORT:  June Moline

Moline received approval for vacation July 22, 23, and 26, 2021.

Motion by Simon, second by Lee, to adjourn at 7:13 p.m.  Vote:  Wielage-yes, Felty-yes, Lee-yes, Simon-yes, Thorson-yes; motion carried 5-0.

William Thorson, Chairman

June Moline, Clerk