Budget Hearing – September 9, 2014
A Budget Hearing of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, NE was held September 9, 2014 at the Village Office. Chairman Guyle called the hearing to order at 6:05 p.m. Notice of the hearing was provided in advance thereof by posting notice at the Bank of Mead, US Post Office and the Village Office as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes. Advance notice was also provided in the Wahoo Newspaper, the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees. All proceedings were held while the convened hearing was open to the public. Present were Chairman Gary Guyle, Trustees Shawn Havelka, Adam Miller, Rick Wielage and Rod Wimer. Also present were Clerk/Treasurer June Moline, Utility/Maintenance Superintendent Nick Raver and Police Chief Jerry Carlson. Guests present were Dalene Selko and John Trecek.
Posting of the Open Meetings Law on the south wall was noted.
Motion by Wimer, second by Miller to adopt the agenda. Vote: Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Miller-yes, Wielage-yes; motion carried 5-0.
Discussion of the proposed October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 fiscal year budget took place.
Guyle called for public input.
Motion by Wielage, second by Miller to adopt the October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 fiscal year budget. Vote: Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Miller-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes; motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Miller, second by Wielage to approve an additional 1% increase. Vote: Havelka-yes, Miller-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes; motion carried 5-0.
Miller introduced and motioned, second by Wielage to adopt Resolution 14-11, Final Tax Levy for the October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 fiscal year at 32.1300 cents per one hundred dollars of actual valuation. Vote: Miller-yes, Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes; motion carried 5-0.
WHEREAS, the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, has conducted a public hearing as prescribed by law and heard and considered comments concerning the propriety of the preliminary levy and the need to establish a different levy.
WHEREAS, the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mead, Saunders County, Nebraska, hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the Village that a levy be set.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MEAD, SAUNDERS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that the final levy for the October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 fiscal year is set at 32.1300 cents per one hundred dollars of actual valuation.
Motion by Wimer, second by Wielage to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. Vote: Wielage-yes, Wimer-yes, Guyle-yes, Havelka-yes, Miller-yes; motion carried 5-0.
Gary Guyle, Chairman June Moline, Clerk