Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Office
Meets four times per year or on an as-needed basis at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Office.
Meets the 3rd Monday of the Month (Excluding December) at 6:00 p.m. at the Mead Library .
Fire protection is provided by the Mead 30 member volunteer fire department. Rescue services for injury, sickness, or any incident requiring immediate medical attention are provided by the Mead Volunteer Fire Department.
When we say: “All Are Welcome” we mean it! Whether you are single, married, divorced, rich, poor, middle class, young, or old, you are welcome to worship with us. Whether you have crying newborns, restless toddlers, or fidgety teenagers, you are welcome to participate.
Looking for a family friendly church? We offer Kids Alive Sunday mornings after the worship and during the service. We also have a nursery for birth to age three and a pre-school room. We teach kids about Jesus at every age level and in every classroom.
In 1867 the first Catholic families settled in the area that would later become Mead migrated from Springfield, Illinois. These were the families of John Holden, Quentin McCarthy, Fenton Phelan, and William Phelan.
SAUNDERS COUNTY is named for Alvin Saunders, governor of Nebraska Territory during the tumultuous years of 1861-1867. Born to a Kentucky family that later moved to Illinois, Saunders continued west to Mount Pleasant, Iowa, in 1836 at age nineteen.
114 No Vine St, Mead, NE 68041
Phone: 402-624-3435 Fax: 402-624-2069
Superintendent’s Phone: 402-624-2745
This page is designed to keep the Mead community, Saunders County residents and interested citizens informed about significant activities related to the cleanup and mitigation actions at the AltEn ethanol facility.